True Green India

We are working on recycling and proper channelization of electronic and plastic waste, which is being generated at a rapid pace due to the evolving technology and consumer behaviour towards the use of gadgets and devices. Proper segregation and waste management is the need of the hour to deal with this upcoming threat to human life and environment. The growing waste around the country and its hazardous effects on human health and environment is increasing exponentially and needs to be taken care of.

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E-waste management and where everybody saw waste, we saw potential – the potential to be tapped and to be channelized. We are working on proper disposal of electronic and plastic waste, which is being generated at a rapid pace due to the evolving technology and consumer behaviour towards the use of gadgets and devices.

You have the power

A stable climate is possible, and so are equitable societies that are just and peaceful. But the world doesn’t get better on its own. It gets better because people work together to make it that way. And the good news is that when we stand together and act, we can make the change we need to see in the world.

Change the world

Imagine a world where forests flourish and oceans are full of life. Where energy is as clean as a mountain stream. Where everyone has security, dignity and joy. Where power is used to fight poverty and injustice, not people. We can’t build this future alone, but we can build it together.

Make World A better Place

Let’s get started